E52: Psychedelics and the New Vision


E52: Introduction

Growing up on the west coast, the lore of the 1960’s free-thinking hippie/peace movement was something that was part of our heritage. Within this culture, psychedelics always had a strange, mysterious, and transformative power. An elixir that had the ability to throw open the doors of perception, revealing a sacred, divinely infused electromagnetic field that we are in constant communication with.

The lineage of these psychedelic explorers carried forth into the rave and music culture of the 80’s and 90’s and today is kept alive by festivals like Burning Man. Whatever your take is on this controversial topic, psychedelics seems to be an important part of our mythical Tree of Knowledge.

Tales of seeing the face of God or the Goddess abound. Scores of courageous people have had profound experiences that changed the course of their lives. What these intrepid psychic explorers seemed to discover was a portal in consciousness. A DMT-primed access point that seemed to accelerate their understanding of the underlying design and meaning of the cosmos.

My guest today has built his podcast around profound discoveries made in sacred space, having participated in many ayuhuasca ceremonies with shamans in the Amazon. I am excited to dialogue with him about what he learned from what is commonly called plant medicine.

Alex is the host of the Natural Born Alchemist podcast. The podcast has been going since 2014 and features a wide array of guests. The theme of the podcast revolves around shamanism, psychedelics, philosophy and alternative ideas. www.naturalbornalchemist.com it is also available on Apple podcasts, Spotify and elsewhere.

Alex has had a life long interest in esoteric topics and his quest for meaning eventually led him to visiting many different indigenous groups around the world and discovering his main teacher in life: Ayahuasca

Here is my interview with Alex from Natural Born Alchemist.