E179: Firestarters and Memes


E179 Introduction

Today we have a short format Firestarter for your enjoyment. We have a number of interesting interviews coming up including one with a renowned climatologist who is going to help us make sense of what exactly is going on there.

How are you all holding up? I did a recent podcast episode with Roy Holman from Truthful Warrior podcast. I can include that in the episode notes if you would like to click on that for a longer listen this week. Roy and I talk about keeping your optimism during an information war, among other things. I really like Roy’s unassuming but insightful and truthful style. We see eye to eye on so many things.

I have some memes and a short clip from Bill Maher. Just 14 minutes of content today.

Let’s kick it off with some memes that I have collected in the recent days and weeks.

The Democrat party is America’s ex-wife.”

Jason Andrews

And Edward Snowden says “The whole system revolves around the idea that the majority can be made to believe anything, so long as it is repeated loudly and often. And it works.” Yes it does Ed, yes it does.

And a clip from Bill Maher, who in my opinion, is red-pilling the shit out of the left. Who have come to rely on him for years to skewer conservatives and their viewpoints. And now find themselves at the receiving end of the sword. Yes, there is some sweetness to this.

If you would like to hear my interview with the always interesting Roy Holman, go to this link and his podcast Truthful Warrior.

Tony Rezac interview https://www.buzzsprout.com/1697956/12632316

E179 Final Thoughts

We’ll get to the climate crisis soon. That is it for today Basecampers. Keep preparing yourself for the next chapters of your Hero’s Journey. Choose truth. Choose courage. Choose love. And never forget, that humans are an amazing tribe, never more so than when we have each others backs. See you around the fire next week Warriors.


E178: Ageless and Timeless with Special Guest

Dr. Ken Harris


E178 Introduction

Hello Basecampers. Welcome to episode #178. Let’s see, what is going on. I have been doing a deep dive into Natural Law and OMG, the things I am learning and discovering. I can’t wait to share all this with you all. I think there will be a short series of episodes around this in May and June. We’ll do a few interviews as I find the right guests and a solo episode where I can collate and deliver the main takeaways from this most interesting and valuable topic.

Today’s episode is a bookend of the Elderhood episode I did a few episodes back with Mark Jackson. And it is with one of my all-time favorite guests, Dr. Ken Harris. A true wisdom keeper who shows us how to age with grace, fluidity, and a lightness of touch. Let‘s go sit around the fire with him.

E177 Basecamp Classics: The Grail


E177 Introduction

Hello Basecampers, I hope you all had a Happy and restorative Easter. We are taking a breather here in the Rezac household with my son on Easter break.

So instead of trying to quickly patch something together, I thought I would offer a Basecamp Classic this week and then pick up next week with a great interview with Dr. Ken Harris.

Today‘s episode is probably my favorite episode of all time. As in if push came to shove and I had to pick just one Basecamp episode to leave for humanity, this would be the one.

It is an episode full of myth and imagination and, I truly believe, yields new insights with each listen. Enjoy Basecampers and we‘ll see you around the fire next week!









E176: Unified in Our Humanity with Special Guest Nadine Ness


E176 Introduction

You all are aware by now how much the myth of the Hero‘s Journey has impacted my life and my worldview. I have taken this meta-narrative into my heart and have lived FROM this story as much as I am able to. I didn’t set out to be particularly heroic. I was not trying to prove myself, per se.

No. It was a selection process. As in the myth selected me after I had prepared myself to be more principled and courageous. Maybe you can see the same preparation for yourself. The Hero’s Journey loves characters that have grit and stand in principles. It makes the story more interesting, doesn‘t it? As humans, we want to see other principled humans battling ancient demons on behalf of the tribe.

There is part of us that enjoys witnessing these battles. Even if we don’t agree with the hero or character in the myth. And I suspect that for the ones who stand witness to things like courage or principles like freedom or truth, these are the ones that will soon stand alongside the ones that are already in this battle.

This is how myth works, in my humble opinion. We are all just now arriving at the destination, are you following me? Victory is on our side. And by “our side” I mean humanity as a whole.

My guest today walks this talk. Both as a Hero in the myth and an everyday mother who speaks from principles and from truth. Let’s go sit around the fire with her.

Nadine Ness Bio-

My guest today is the Nadine Ness. Nadine is the founder and President of the non-profit organization Unified Grassroots. She is also a wife, mother of four and a former Canadian police officer with an interesting background. Here is my interview with Nadine Ness.

E176 Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed our time with Nadine Ness. She opened my eyes to how I might be closing myself off and how sometimes I have pre-conceived notions that keep the division alive and well. Learning about your blind spots is part of what keeps The Hero’s Journey moving into new chapters! Thank you Basecampers and we’ll see you around the fire next week..









E174: Truth and the Spine of a Warrior

with Special Guest Joel Rafidi


E174 Introduction

I’d like to start this episode with a couple of quotes. The first is from Herbert Hildebrandt who says “In a world of propaganda, the truth is always a conspiracy.”

And one from an aikido master who says “In order to seek the Truth, you need the spine of a warrior.” Aho

What a time to be alive, isn’t it? We are seeing Truth rumbling through the tribe and making a mockery of the MSM narrative at every turn. It seems as soon as the Globalists put something out, here are 1001 badasses from the Truther movement calling bullshit and setting the record straight. It’s a beautiful thing!

Last week, we had a number of banks fold and then needed to be bailed out by taxpayers. Those will not be the last, mark my words. The Fed’s solution? Print more money of course! Which futher deteriorates the dollar. Bitcoin, the peoples solution, has officially started its next 3 year bull run. Did you get some for yourself and your family?

Being in conversation people who value truth has taught me a lot. Once you get a taste of Truth, there is no substitute. Just like with personal freedom. There really isn’t a second best, as they say.

What values are you holding and expressing on YOUR Hero’s Journey? And they don’t have to be the same as mine. That is the beautiful part of this. You do you and that works for the whole tribe. I find that standing in a principle like Truth or Freedom simplifies things. You aren’t second guessing yourself at every turn. You know what you are here for. It’s a good way to live as my guest today exemplifies as well.

And there are people who say, “oh you are a truther huh, but you were wrong about x or y.” Being aligned with Truth doesn’t mean you are right about every little thing. It doesn’t work that way. No, being aligned with Truth has more transcendent qualities. It means your speaking resonates with the heart and whatever God or Spirit or the Divine is asking you to express to the tribe. You following me?

I honor all of you no matter where you are at. Keep humble, keep open, stay in the flow, and trust that God or the Divine is guiding you along your path. We got this.

Joel Rafidi Bio

My guest today is Joel Rafidi. Joel is a truth seeker, a father and husband, a hip hop artist and a coach who guides truth seekers to inner and outer freedom through his programs. He is also the host of the excellent podcast Here for the Truth. Here is my interview with Joel Rafidi.