E166: The War We Are All In


E166 Introduction

“I’m for truth, no matter who tells it. I’m for justice, no matter who it is for or against. I‘m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.”         

Malcolm X

It is one of the defining characteristics of the times that we live in. This dawning realization. That like generations before us, we are engaged in a world war, a conflict of epic proportions. However, unlike previous generations, this one is not fought exclusively in the battlefields of Europe or the waters of the Pacific. Warfare has evolved and changed with technology. Make no mistake Basecampers, this one is for the hearts and souls and future of this nation, the world, and the direction that the planet will move towards. What sort of future will we have? One of personal freedom and cooperation. One of fellowship and brotherhood and shared ideas?

Or will we continue down the Marxist road of confusion and division? The road to totalitarianism. Or a tightly-controlled, top-down hydra with machine-like precision and larger and larger government giving us more and more restrictions on our expression, our humanity, our way of life? The war we find ourselves in is a war of information and ideas. It is a war of narratives. And it pits We The People with our humanity against an entity that does not care for humanity. In fact, quite the opposite. This Globalist/communist adversary is set on a Great Reset where the population of the planet is trimmed significantly and each person succumbs to the rules of unelected Elites, after a series of so-called “crisis”. On Basecamp, we have named this over and over again as the Great Reset vs. the Great Awakening. Some call it God and Christ against the Luciferians. Others simply say Globalists vs Freedom. Communism vs. America and the freedom loving nations.. You can add Bitcoin vs. CBDC as one of the battlefields, I think……enjoy the episode!