E227: We Welcome All Americans with Special Guest
Jolie Lansdowne
E227 Introduction
America has always and will always be built on and fortified by civic involvement. This has been true throughout our history. However, WE THE PEOPLE have gotten a bit flabby here, haven’t we? We have forgotten that sleeves rolled up is the American way, regardless of political orientation or philosophical leanings.
Some of it really isn’t our fault, not really anyways. We have not been educated as to the importance of this local involvement. A sort of resignation and cynicism has slowly taken over the American mindset. That my involvement really doesn’t make a difference since there is so much power and corruption near the top.
The establishment is hoping that his continues to be your perspective. As this will keep any restorative movement for the American Republic at bay. For what is good for WE THE PEOPLE and our Constitutional Republic is almost never in the interests of the ruling Elite. Have you noticed that?
I love what my guest talks about today when she mentioned her Grandfather, who fought at Normandy. She reflects on how can she honor her Grandfather’s sacrifice and honor her nation by continuing to serve? It‘s a great question right now. How can I help this nation that has done so much for me and my family? Lady Liberty has been under seize from those that wish do her and her people harm. What can I do to come to her aid? In 2024 and beyond, this might be the most important civic question we can ask of ourselves.
Let‘s go sit around the fire with my guest today. A friend, a mom, and proud (and involved) American. Enjoy the interview.
Jolie Lansdowne Bio-
My guest today is Jolie Lansdowne. Jolie is a wife and mother (who homeschooled kids for 20 years, a local business owner, and a civil servant who serves as the Legislative District Chair of the 34th district right here in King County. She is a woman who believes that engangement in local government is one of the most effective ways we can impact positive change for our next generation. Here is my interview with Jolie Lansdowne.
E227 Final Thoughts-
I hope you enjoyed our conversation with Jolie as much as I did. We talked about all the PCO vacancies across the nation.. This is a great opportunity to help in a small, effective way. If you find yourself feeling helpless and upset about what is happening in your city or your neighborhood or your nation, join us as PCO in whatever state you reside in. Let’s put good Americans in those vacancies. It’s a great way to help restore America and stand in the principles that are near and dear to YOU. Thank you Basecampers and we’ll see you around the fire next week.