E215: Standing Up with Special Guest Gerard White


E215: Introduction

They say God works in mysterious ways and there is no question that this has been true for both myself and my family as well as my guest today. I am a big believer that God has a plan for each and every one of us and that if we can get quiet and listen and surrender, we will hear our unique calling. This has always been true.

We live in a time when our adversaries (those that seek to destroy America and her principles of freedom, free speech, liberty, pursuit of happiness) have made their way into some of our most vulnerable areas- education, media, politics. It has become increasingly obvious that the Globalists are in control of all three of these. You can see it in their messaging, their actions, their legislation, and their allegiances.

Furthermore, WE THE PEOPLE have been coughing and choking on all the lies, deception, and propaganda.

I attended America Fest, as I told you before, in December. As a Libertarian, it was a breath of fresh air. A great conference where I met my guest today who has started an apparel company called Stand Up Now. And the big takeaway from America Fest? It is time to stand up now Patriots. We are at a pivotal point in our war with the Marxists/Globalists/Communists who seek to destroy our country and strip her of her natural Divinity.

So, if you love this nation, no matter your political orientation- left, right, or center. Now is the time to ask God and yourself “What is being asked of me here? How can I help come to the aid of this great nation that has so blessed me and my family for generations now? God, tell me what you need from me? How can I serve?”

I know that many of you will answer the call in whatever way you are able. 2024 will be a year we are all out of our comfort zone but it will also be remembered as a year that things shifted once again, in favor of humanity. Enjoy the interview.

Gerard White Bio

My guest today is Gerard White. Gerard is a Patriot, Christian, father, and entrepreneur and creator of Stand Up Now Apparel. Here is my interview with Gerard White.

E171: Mom’s For Liberty with Special Guest Tiffany Justice


E171 Introduction

Throughout the shit-show that was Covid 19, one thing that was absolutely appalling to me was how quickly Americans rolled over to the obvious Globalist/Marxist agenda. I imagined these sociopaths laughing at how quickly we masked up, got the experimental jab, and turned on one another for “wrongthink”. They totally played us and, except for a few fighters, we bent the knee. I thought Americans were supposed to be the feisty ones? The rebellious ones who thumbed our noses at corrupt authority in favor of personal freedom and sovereignty? I guess not so much.

So I went on a mission to find others who still had fight in them. Citizens who still stand for and live in American principles rather than men and women who acquiesce and comply. You following me? I slowly started to find them. Like my guest today. Someone who is standing up to the government indoctrination program and embodying the principles of freedom, parental rights and family first, and is looking to strengthen an education system that has clearly been under attack from Marxist thinkers and bureaucrats who have betrayed our nation and our young people.

The Globalists think that they can do whatever they please with our young people. Indoctrinate them in the most insane Marxist ideology. These things have awakened something in mothers and fathers, at least the ones paying attention. Let’s go find out what the Mom’s for Liberty are noticing.

Tiffany Justice Bio-

My guest today is Tiffany Justice. Tiffany is a wife and Mom of four school-aged children. She is a a former school board member in Florida and the co-founder of the national organization Mom’s For Liberty. Here is my interview with Tiffany Justice.

E171 Final Thoughts-

I hope you enjoyed our time with Tiffany Justice. To get involved or find or start a Moms for Liberty chapter near you, simply reach out at www.momsforliberty.org. Thank you Basecampers and we‘ll see you around the fire next week.