E1:The Importance of Male Initiation with

Special Guest Jon Wilson


E1 Introduction

Hello everyone.

My name is Tony Rezac and I’m the creator and host of Basecamp for Men. I have grown up inside of what has been called the men’s movement or men’s work for short. It is my mission and privilege to assist men in whatever way I can. Whether it’s writing, teaching a workshop, or running a men’s group, I seek to expand the conversation that men and women are having about what is healthy masculinity and what are the tools we can use to get there.

Collectively, men are showing much wear and tear. There is widespread depression, suicide, violence, and incarceration among the male tribe. When men do get in trouble emotionally, he will invariably feel that he has nowhere to turn, literally. We need to forge a new version of masculinity, you and I. I know a few things that will help get us there and you might know too. And our guests will bring much wisdom and insights to the show.

This podcast is meant to be a conversation about men, yet my hope is that women will find it insightful as well. I hope the women that listen will come away with a better understanding of the men in their lives; their partners, their sons, their fathers, & their friends. And I think it’s important that women know that the male community has identified some of our most important issues and that we are creatively working on them as a collective. Women need courageous men in their lives. Men who are willing to look honestly at themselves and speak truthfully and authentically about what is happening.

On a personal note, I’m a sucker for narrative building and I love myth to do that. Every man that has ever been in a men’s circle with me knows that I’m fond of the hero’s journey. My hope is that as we unpack the important issues that men are facing, the listener, whether man or woman will come to see themselves in the stories that we tell.

The Hero’s journey is, after all, both an individual as well as a collective awakening. It’s about you and it’s about us. So welcome to Basecamp for Men. You bring yourself and we’ll bring the stories and resources for a more courageous life.

And here’s our first show.

Jon Wilson Bio-

Jon Wilson is a leader among men and has staffed and lead over 50 Mankind Project’s New Warrior training adventures. Jon finished getting his Masters degree in Social Work in 2017 & now works as a clinician in the Mental Health industry.

Here is my interview with Jon Wilson.


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