E66: The Truth is also Seeking the Seeker

with Special Guest Marie Jones


E66 Introduction-

“The Truth is also seeking the Seeker.”

Here we are, in our collective Hero’s Journey. Each contributing what he or she is able to. We started with myth and men’s work,  gathering our resources and seeing which tools we would need for the next chapters of our Hero’s Journey. We’ve talked to men and women about the most important topics that we can find, leaving no stone unturned.

We are coming up on a series of episodes that are very important for us as a tribe. The faint trail of the Hero has taken us out into the darkness, out to our edges.

You may disagree with the information I am uncovering or even get mad and triggered. That is fine with me. It is to be expected. I honor where you are at in your awakening. I really do.

There is something that has been hidden from our view that has slowly emerged in our inner vision.  We are finally seeing it clearly. We have arrived at a threshold. The Truth is, indeed,  seeking the Seeker. We have traversed the landscape, found our allies, and now confront a dark dragon. One that many of us did not know that we would have to face.

So we continue along the faint trail, picking up allies and using our sense of Truth as our compass and guide. The Hero in the story is developing latent and long-dormant abilities that he or she will need for the coming chapter. We are pre-destined to awaken, you and I. This, it seems, has already been written.

There is a sense of Divine intervention in these episodes for me. The subject matter has evolved but he foundation remains the same. I hold the question “What do we need for our next chapters?”  Then I listen and follow the instructions. My guests have all arrived at Basecamp for Men through this process.

Today’s guest shares my love of the Divine and myth and the mystery of our collective Journey.

Marie Jones Bio-

Marie D. Jones is the best-selling author of over 25 non-fiction books on diverse topics including the paranormal, Ufology, mind control, propaganda and media manipulation, myth and symbolism, ancient knowledge, archetypes, cutting edge science, time travel, and more. She is also a novelist and  screenwriter and has been interviewed on over 2,000 radio shows and podcasts all over the world. She also appeared on the History Channel’s “Ancient Aliens” and “Nostradamus Effect” series.

E66 Final Thoughts-

The second half of our conversation reminded me of a quote by the Indian author Arundhati Roy. She says:

“THE SYSTEM will collapse if we refuse to buy what they are selling- their ideas, their version of history, their wars, their weapons, their notion of inevitability. Remember this: We be many and they be few. They need us more than we need them.Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.”

For more information on Marie Jones or to find any of her 26  books, go to www.mariedjones.com



E65:  The Conspiracy To Awaken Us with Special Guest Ole Dammegard


“The Truth is also seeking the Seeker.”

                          -Sufi Saying-

E65 Dedication-

This episode is dedicated to all who are about to awaken. I honor your courage, your heart, and your commitment to living your truth.

E65 Intro-

The topic of conspiracies and how we deal with this information is an important part of our awakening as a tribe. I would not include it here if it was not important. The time when conspiracies were considered a fringe topic is fading in the rearview mirror. To not know what is going on at the top of the power pyramid is to show an unwillingness to look.

And if we are to commit to truth, no matter what it shows us, is to experience discomfort. The truth takes us out of our comfort zone. Sometimes FAR out of our comfort zone. So we find ourselves in the Hero’s Journey once again.

If you are a man or woman who has been unable to even poke your head down the rabbit hole, I ask you, why not? Why are you so afraid? These truths that you have been running from have now arrived at the shores of your awareness. And the events in the coming weeks and months will further confirm what was long ago discovered by intrepid explorers like my guest today.

Part of coming to clear seeing is to cut through the fog of conditioning and disbelief.  Notice your reactions as you hear two people talk about things like the Deep State or Cabal. Do you know that millions of people around the world know about this stuff? Do you really want to stay asleep, unaware, and ignorant of what is happening? Are you just waiting for sports to come back and for things to get back to “normal”? Are you unable to discern the elephant in the room? This is not about intelligence, by the way.

If I have built up any credibility in the work I do here, if the things I say ring with the truth, then trust me when I say that things are about to get unsettling for a lot of people. Cognitive dissonance will be the order of the day. You will want to have this information and the episodes that are coming about the Great Awakening and what that means for us.

Hang in there. If I am wrong, I will quietly go back to talking about strictly men’s issues. But if what I am saying is true, then you will all want this information. I cannot live in my mission and not lay out the pattern that has been so clearly explained to me. I took an oath. To awaken the men that found their way into my circle. If you are listening to this, then that circle includes you my friend.

Do not worry if some stuff feels too out there at the beginning. Sit with what resonates, investigate when your curiosity sparks up. But know that the Truth is coming. It’s day has arrived.

Ole Dammegard Bio-

Ole Dammegard is a truth seeker, code breaker, and peacemaker. Ole is an author, international speaker, and former journalist. He is widely considered one the world’s foremost experts in false flags and global conspiracies.  Ole has been awarded the Prague Peace and has had millions of people around the world listen to his interviews and presentation. Here is my interview with Ole Dammegard.

E65-Final Thoughts-

I know that is a lot to think about and consider. I like what Ole said about tracking what is happening. The problem-reaction-solution chainlink. If something happens that causes cognitive dissonance and you (and the masses) have a big emotional reaction (usually fear) and then there is a solution presented by authorities to this reaction. Really look at the solution they are offering. Are they proposing something that further limits your freedoms and liberties? Are they proposing something that is for the so-called “greater good” that doesn’t align with your value system? Does the whole thing seem “off” to you.  Is the solution a fascist solution. One that smells like shit to quote Ole. This is all part of the Great Awakening of humanity. So remember to use the information as part of your own awakening.

To dig deeper into some of this, I have two recommendations for you. Certainly go follow Ole at lightonconspiracies.com. And another resource I love is Joe Martino at Collective Evolution. Outstanding. He is at www.collective-evolution.com






E64: Va¢¢ine Q & A with Special Guest Dr. Jennifer Margulis


E64 Dedication-

Today’s episode is dedicated to all the parents of young children out there. As well as soon-to-be parents. May your family be blessed with good health, vitality, and well-being!

E64 Introduction-

The topic of va¢¢ines and health seems an especially timely one. As we rush to find a va¢¢ine for Covid-19 and many people eagerly line up to get it, I thought it would be a good opportunity to do some research of my own and talk to some people who have done a deep dive into this.

Today’s episode is Basecamp‘s longest episode. By far. I thought of cutting it down or making it into two parts to keep with our roughly 30- minute format. However, when I was editing the episode, it just seemed too valuable and my hunch was to let it play as a long format episode.

I am not sure how often Chris Rodd (my sound editor) and I will do this. I really do like the easier digestable 30 minute EP. But every time I listened and tried to cut or create an end to part one, the next part of the conversation seemed to want to be part of the episode as well.

It is a wonderful thing for me to create and edit these for you. Intuition plays a big part. What will assist the listeners the most? What resources will they take away from this? How will this help them on their Hero’s Journey? These are the questions that Chris and I both keep as our guide in making these.

Many people do not have the bandwidth to research things like vaccine safety. Thankfully for all of us, there are people like my guest today who do. I have noticed that asking questions that challenge the status quo tends to ruffle feathers. This is a natural process, asking questions that lead to discoveries that  may challenge assumptions. Is the status quo really all that sacrosanct, especially in the area of health?

What if, instead of reflexively and defensively defending the status quo, we learned how to lean into the discussion as if there might be an important viewpoint or insight that may just be a key component to understanding our health, our children’s health and our future.

Jennifer Margulis Bio-

Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D., is an award-winning science journalist who has been researching and writing about health-related topics for over 15 years. She is the author or co-author of eight non-fiction books, including Your Baby, Your Walkjuy (Scribner) and The Va¢¢ine-Friendly Plan with Dr. Paul Thomas (Ballantine). She is currently working on a book about her mother, a renown microbiologist whose theories have changed our basic understanding of the mechanisms of evolution.

Her books have been translated into Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese, German, and Estonian.

E64 Final Thoughts-

I hope you enjoyed our conversation with Dr. Margulis. If you want to do a deep dive into the vaccine safety conversation, Ty Bolinger’s The Truth about Va¢¢ines is where I got my initial information. It’s an excellent documentary.  You can start there or with either of the books Jennifer mentioned: Dr. Bob Sears The Va¢¢ine Book and her book with Dr. Paul Thomas titled The Va¢¢ine Friendly Plan.

I loved her technique of checking the CDC (the section for doctors) and then cross referencing with the nvic.org National Va¢¢ine Information Center’s website. Seems like smart research, doesn’t it? To find any of Jennifer‘s books, including her upcoming book, or sign up for her newsletter at www.JenniferMargulis.net.


E63: The Power of Slow with Special Guest Carl Honore


E63 Introduction-

How many people out there have felt their inner power grow as they age? I know I have. I feel like a better version of my self even though I am well into my 50’s. I may not look as good. But I don’t really give a shit anymore and that is freedom.

As you age, you get better at letting go; of not taking things too personally. You’re more apt to forgive others as you have come to know your own shortcomings with more clarity and a sense of shared humanity.

And older people, if they have done some inner work, will have right-sized the ego. There is less of a heaviness about them that the ego brings. Years of living will tend to have shown you that it’s not all about you. It never really was.

Additionally, our elders hold the wisdom for the tribe. This has always been so. As we enter into our next phase, and as the Great Awakening moves through humanity, it will be the wisdom keepers that will be desperately needed.  And I am proud to call myself one.  In our collective narrative and in any Hero’s Journey, the mentor to the central character is always an elder. This is not by accident.

My guest today speaks of the gifts of slowing down and the power of embracing aging as an adventure or a Hero’s Journey to use my own language.  I love people who show us a different, more elevated perspective and my guest today is just that. Enjoy the interview!


Carl Honore Bio-

Carl Honoré is an author, broadcaster, two-time TED speaker and the voice of the Slow Movement. After working with street children in Brazil, he covered Europe and South America for the Economist, Observer and other publications. His bestselling books are published in 35 languages.


E63 Final Thoughts-

I hope you enjoyed our time with Carl. If you are interested in building a better and slower life, you can find tools for this in Carl’s online course. To find this and his books and Ted talks, go to www.carlhonore.com



E62: Marriage as a Hero’s Journey with Special Guest Lisa Rezac


E62 Introduction-

As part of our Hero’s Journey, men will often struggle with our interractions with the Feminine. Both the women in our lives and the Feminine aspect that is inside every man. Women have the ability to confound us, test us, push us, as well as celebrate and elevate us.

My own marriage and partnership with my wife Lisa has lasted more than twenty-five years now. The learning in this relationship has been astounding.  She has, in many ways, been my most important teacher. I would not be the man I am today without her influence.

In your primary relationships, ALL of your baggage and your shadow come into play. The soft underbelly of your ego gets exposed. Any bullshit you might be trying to pull out in the world, any persona that you construct to come across as nothing but confident and positive will surely be exposed (and wilt) in the slow burn furnace of a long-term relationship.

A good marriage absolutely REQUIRES you to show up authentically. Warts and all. Fear and shame, needy and insecure. These are the childhood wounds that we bring into our partnerships. Even if we had a relatively healthy childhood, which very few of us have had, marriage will test you every step of the way.

A long-term partnership teaches you about heart and what it is to love. However,  our clumsy attempts at unconditional love repeatedly show us our bias’s and our fear of intimacy. It’s easy to say I accept you and love you but my subconscious mind, with all of it’s baggage and wounds and insecurities, keeps me projecting my preferences onto my beloved. I’m ok when you show up as x but not when you show up as y.

Marriage and life-long partnerships are a true Hero‘s Journey. Together you will face dragons that seem terrifying. Childhood monsters, traumas, fears of all sorts. You may face infidelity and fear of abandonment.  You will face a dark night of the soul, where it looks like it is falling apart and all hope is lost. When you are there, remember that it is just a chapter in your Hero’s Tale. Look for your resources and your mentor and forge on. You can do it.

And, like in a Hero’s tale, you will change and grow. Who you are in the next chapter will be a different version of yourself. It will be the same for your partner. I honor all of you on this path. For I know how challenging and frustrating it can be. Learning how to deal with yourself and this force of nature called your life partner.

With that being said, my blessing to you is you that you deeply honor your partner for what he or she is to you: a Soul mate who is deeply committed to your growth and someone who is helping you strengthen your heart. Interestingly, strong and loving hearts is exactly what the world is calling for right now.

Lisa Rezac Bio-

My guest today is an exceptional woman known for her beauty, intuition, humor, and courage. Lisa Rezac has been an classically trained actor, corporate trainer, entrepreneur, mother, and a fundraising auctioneer. She is a creative thinker and a person who models living your deepest truths. She has also been my life-partner for the past 26 years.

E62 Final Thoughts-

I hope you enjoyed hearing what conversations are like in the Rezac household. If you are a person who is committed to growing inside your relationship, I’ll recap some of the recommendations for you.

The Gottman Institute does some really amazing couples workshops and they have a list of Gottman trained therapists if you are looking for guidance. If your relationship is feeling stuck in some old patterns, finding a good therapist is essential to getting forward movement. It always worked for us. They are at www.gottman.com

What would Lisa and I have done had we not learned how to mirror? An essential tool for couples. You can learn it with the book called Getting the Love You Want by Harville Hendrix and find therapists that will teach you this and help you get better at it at www.harvilleandhelen.com

And lastly, there is a great book about life partners that sits on the top shelf of my library called Passionate Marriage by David Schnarch. He shows the reader the importance of differentiation and the power of learning how to validate yourself instead of always looking to your partner or other people. Very insightful book.

Thank you listeners (and readers)!