E194: Bitcoin and Proof of Work with Special Guest John Haar


E194 Introduction

Today is a bit longer of an interview so I want to get right to it. What sorts of possibilities does Bitcoin and sound money present to humanity? I think that many people probably lump in Bitcoin with the rest of the Crypto space, not understanding the differences and thinking it was a flash in the pan and they didn’t need to take time to truly learn and start to understand it.

Bitcoin represents something that we have not seen. A sound form of money that is incorruptible, transparent, and whose value is derived from its fixed supply-21 million. As in there will only EVER be 21 million BTC.

Juxtaposed next to the systemic corruption of the fiat system, where central banks constantly debase our money by printing more and more of it. The more they print, the less your dollar is worth, which naturally leads to inflation and ultimately hyper-inflation.

And Bitcoin is getting closer to its big moment as presidential hopeful Robert Kennedy Jr. comes out in favor of it and even buys 2 BTC for each of his seven children. How cool is that. I don’t know if Kennedy will win the democratic nomination (there are powerful, corrupt forces that do not want him to win) but I love where he is going with this.

Today my guest and I talk far and wide about Bitcoin and also introduced the concept of Proof of Work and what that means for you and I. Enjoy the interview.

John Haar Bio

My guest today is John Haar. He is a passionate Bitcoiner, student of Austrian Economics, and advocate for sound money. John is a Managing Director on Swan’s Private Client Service team, Swan’s concierge service for high net worth individuals.  Before Swan, John spent nearly 13 years at Goldman Sachs in the Asset Management Division in New York City.  Here is my interview with John Haar.

E194 Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed our conversation with John Haar over at Swan. I know I learned a lot talking with him. Go start learning about Bitcoin! And if you’re ready to start stacking sats, go set up an account at Swan Bitcoin. They have everything you need!