E152: Soft Disclosure Has Arrived w Special Guest Lily Nova


E152 Introduction

This episode is dedicated to my late grandmother Louis who used to take me and my brother out on the porch to stargaze on clear evenings. And to every person who has ever stared in awe at the night sky and thought “I just know that there is something going on out there.” Turns out, you were right all along. Thanks Grandma.

One of the things that Basecamp has tried its best to capture is: What is emerging in humanity? What myths are being activated? What new faculties and collective knowing will emerge in our times? How is consciousness expanding and how do we each do our part? What is our collective Hero’s Journey?

These are some of the most relevant questions you can participate in and keep an open mind about. It is with humility and service to our tribe that I do my best to bring out what is on our edges and hopefully present it in a way that is relatable and helps you on your own Hero’s Journey.

The topic of ET Disclosure or extraterrestrial disclosure has been circling us (no pun intended) for decades. Shows like Star Trek, Star Wars, the X-files, Ancient Aliens, etc etc has helped to seed an understanding of what has been hidden from us. Each one of us perhaps holding a small piece of the puzzle. Each a microcosm of understanding in the macro awakening that is spreading through our tribe.

This episode will be one in a series of shows on this topic and we will try and get different perspectives and trust God and the Divine to continue to help guide us. We are not doing the episodes one after the other but will sprinkle them in as we get good guests and make valuable content.

It is telling to me that even a year ago, I would not been comfortable with this topic, even though I am very well-versed in ET’s and Disclosure. But I have been given the signal. The thumbs up, if you will, to go ahead and proceed. The story of our awakening and emergence is starting another extremely fascinating chapter. Enjoy the interview. 

Lily Nova Bio

My guest today is Lily Nova. Lily is an astrophotographer, ET contactee, and a teacher in the disclosure movement. Here is my interview with Lily Nova.

E152 Final Thoughts-

I hope you enjoyed that conversation as much as I did. I like what Lily said about DNA activation. This seems to be a common theme in this conversation. I remember Barbara Marciniak talking about this in Bringers of the Dawn. I have a feeling that there will be more downloads for all of us in this area- ET Disclosure, DNA activation, heightened psychic abilities and sharpened vision and intuition. All fruits of this inquiry.

Our pattern at Basecamp is to explore important topics from a number of different perspectives with different voices adding their wisdom to the collective. We have danced around the ET discussion. No more. We will be adding episodes so that future listeners will get a full picture of Disclosure and how it all went down. Basecamp for Men is expected to do our part to speak the truth and help bring forth the myth that is starting to show itself. A myth that is both new and ancient. Stay tuned.

Thank you Basecampers. I look forward to sitting around the fire next week.