E265: The Courage to Face Addiction with Special Guest Sathiya Sam


E265 Introduction

Addiction, the Hero’s Journey, Shadow Work, and Men’s Groups. These are all topics, frames, and narrative tools that I have worked with personally and witnessed countless men skillfully navigate the challenges they face.

Shadow work is funny. Men have a tendency to want to project a confident, flawless, high status and achievement oriented persona to face the world. And so often, the shadow (which we define as all the things we hide, repress, and deny about ourselves) lurks and grows stronger with each passing year. The addiction that we can’t seem to get a handle on. The wound that keeps festering.

The Hero’s Journey is nothing if not a mythical context to grow courage in ourselves. And every addict (myself included) who has ever wrestled with this shadowy material knows a delightful truth. That addressing your addiction, whether that is alcohol, drugs, pornography, or technology, has positive ramifications for not just the individual, but the whole family lineage and, indeed, the whole human tribe.

We are courageous by nature Basecampers. Our addictions and Hero’s Journey are a way to really KNOW this in our hearts and in our Soul. The Hero’s Journey always leads to someplace unexpected and valuable. The former addict becomes a mentor, helping others. The restless young man with no mission or positive direction finds clarity and his path in life once the shadow is seen and worked with.

I have seen it a bunch and so has my guest today. A wonderful teacher and testament to looking at the dragon that nobody wants to look at. And then building a bridge for the next man and then the next.

I enjoyed this conversation more than just about any in recent memory. And you can tell that his work is right in alignment with our values here at Basecamp. Enjoy the interview.

Sathiya Sam Bio

My guest today is Sathiya Sam. Sathiya is a father, husband, coach, international speaker, and author. A former university researcher, then a pastor, and now the creator of Deep Clean and Liberated Man programs born out of Sathiya’s 15 year addiction recovery and the life he’s built since. Here is my interview with Sathiya Sam.

E265 Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed that interview as much as I did. What a great mission Sathiya is on and what a great offering for men. There are addiction programs out there but I don’t see one that offers so many of the tools that we preach here on this show.


E252: The Way of the Soul with Special Guest Dr. James Hollis


E252 Introduction

Today‘s episode is a special one for me as I get to speak with someone so well versed in depth psychology and the way of the Soul. To me, these interviews have a timeless quality to them as my guest and I talk about life’s most important questions and how a brave and sensitive Soul might go about navigating these questions and finding a true path for oneself.

We seem to be in the midst of a profound collective identity crisis. And I believe it is a calling back to Soul itself that will most help humanity emerge with new perspectives, new life, and a renewed sense of vitality and purpose. Turbulent times seem to guide and prod us to find our deepest resources within.

Before we get to our excellent guest, I wanted to read you a passage from one of his 19 books.

As children we suffer the wounds of too-muchness or not-enoughness, feeling overwhelmed or abandoned, and wind up adapting our Souls to protect our wounds.

What a difference it would make in the life of the child, and of the whole world, if the parent could repeatedly, sincerely, say ‘You are brought into life by nature having all you need. You have a great force, a great spirit, a great energy within.

Trust it, stay in contact with it, and it will always lead you towards what is right for you.”

Profound words from a very wise man. Enjoy the interview.

Dr. James Hollis Bio-

My guest today is renowned author and teacher Dr. James Hollis. Dr. Hollis is the author of nineteen books (soon to be 20) and is a Washington DC-based Jungian analyst and speaker. Here is my interview with Dr. James Hollis.


E220: Growing Our Courage with Special Guest

Cliff Buenavista


E220 Introduction

Today was a fun interview for me. Why? Because it is with an very old friend of mine. Someone who I used to sit at the pub with and talk philosophy, existentialism, God and Spirit, along with more mundane topics like who was better the Seahawks or the 49ers.

You know how fond I am of the Hero’s Journey (both individually and collectively). Not all my old drinking buddies have taken a particularly courageous path. No judgment. Just like we mention in this interview, many will be called, most will stay back in the Shire, to use a Lord of the Rings reference. Without a clear picture of the battle or even what is at stake. But the more heroic will answer the call and do whatever they can to assist humanity. These are the times we live in.

One of the questions to ask is this: Who do we need to be as men in these times? What is our most courageous path? What do I need to do in my next chapter? What does humanity and God need from me next?

My guest today is an old friend who has answered the call. What a blessing it is to know these Warriors and I am fortunate to talk to more and more of them on this show. I like to give the vibe in these discussions as two friends sitting around the fire talking about what is REALLY going on. And it is easy when you have known each other as long as I have know my guest today. Enjoy!

Cliff Buenavista Bio

My guest today is my good friend Cliff Buenavista. Cliff is a Christian, a husband and father of 2 children and is a project manager at Nvidia. Cliff has maintained his sobriety for nearly 4 years, a true Hero’s Journey. Here is my interview with Cliff Buenavista.

E220 Final Thoughts

Well I hope you enjoyed our time with Cliff as much as I did. Like I said, him and I go WAAAAAY back and have both taken the road less travelled. I hope you heard something today that inspired you and gives you courage on YOUR Hero’s Journey. And go get some swag at Stand Up Now Apparel, they are offering all you Basecampers a great deal with 10 % off and free shipping by simply using the code “basecamp”.

Thank you Basecampers and we‘ll see you around the fire next week.

E214: Embracing the Mystery with Special Guest Vincenzo Falone


E214 Introduction

One of my goals when I started Basecamp was to invite the men who listen into a more mythic way of viewing themselves and their lives. Having been an initiate of the Mankind Projects’ New Warrior Training, I saw firsthand for myself and the men who I have been close with just how powerful and long-lasting the impact of this initiation was.

One of the core benefits (I believe) is that the weekend awakens something in the Soul of men. Something that stirs in our depths but is dormant until the right initiatory pulse awakens it. It’s the combination of a deep sense that you belong in the tribe of men along with a clear sense of purpose that is often missing in so many men I see.

Before being properly initiated, men can chase money and status and women as a way of measuring and validating themselves. I think deep down, most men know that this road is futile. But there are no other clear paths that are marked. There is just a faint trail and maybe the only man or men who you‘ve seen take it are different from you in some regards…. a bit more courageous perhaps? Maybe, but I think its more ready, more tired of the posturing, more tired of living without a clear purpose. More tired of their own bullshit and living from their shadow.

My guest today is also a product of the faint trail. You can hear it in his speech, in his vibration.

There is always an invitation to join us on a Warrior weekend. It doesn’t matter your age, race, socio-economic background, your sexual preference, the weekend was built for you. Yes you.

There is a long cherished saying in the men‘s community when it comes to this initiation: Men Are Waiting.Waiting for you to take the faint trial, waiting for you embrace the mysterious and the mythic, and waiting for you to trust the tribe of men to have your back. Enjoy the interview!

Vincenzo Falone Bio

My guest today is Vincenzo Falone. Vincenzo is a father, a longtime bodyworker and cranial sacral therapist in addition to being a Certified Co-Leader with the Mankind Project. Vincenzo is also the co-founder of The Center for Relaxation and Healing in Chatham NJ. Here is my interview with Vincenzo Falone.

E199: The Lone Wolf Syndrome w Special Guest Tony Endelman


E199 Introduction

Today‘s episode is a bit of a throwback episode for us. In a good way. As many of you know, Basecamp for Men was conceived and started as a resource show for men’s personal development. The power of men‘s groups and a positive, authentic masculinity was the medicine I was called to bring forth from all of my years leading and participating in men‘s groups. It has defined my life and I am full of gratitude for the men I have followed and led in this work.

My friend Dave recently sent me a new book about Dr. Robert Glover. Dr. Glover is the author of the classic men’s book No More Mr. Nice Guy. I dug in and recognized that the authors and I had similar stories and wounds but with different paths up the mountain so to speak.

Men have always been more powerfully who they are when they can speak authentically with other men. This is a rare thing, as you will hear in this episode.

I think all men carry this sort of lone wolf syndrome. We think we can do the work, grow ourselves up into the men we want to be, heal our childhood traumas (that we all have), and become strong, confident partners and fathers. And do all of this with absolutely no support! It is delusional.

As the Mankind Project has said over and over again, it takes a tribe of men to grow men. For only other men know intimately the shame, hurt, violence, and shadow that are hidden deep inside of a man‘s heart and soul. The astoundingly wonderful secret for men: the more you can speak from your depths without flinching, the more light that can come into your heart and your life.

And men are great at hiding. We hide our hurt and our addictions and our hopes and fears. We hide our shame and our heartbrokenness and feelings of inadequacy. Fuck we try and hide it all because we think that if you knew who I really am and how I really felt (especially when I feel small) you will desert me. So we just go it alone. Are you following me?

Today’s conversation is hopefully like sitting in a good men’s group. As my guest, himself a veteran of these emotionally honest expressions, brings the truth about what it means to be a man. I hope you see yourself in our sharing. Enjoy the interview.

Tony Endelman Bio

Tony Endelman is an author, popular self-help blogger, and certified transformational life coach. Additionally, he is one of Dr. Robert Glover’s elite certified No More Mr. Nice Guy coaches. Tony’s recently released book, THE BIG STICK: Collected & Applied Wisdom from the Teachings of Dr. Robert Glover encapsulates 40 years of wisdom put forth by Dr. Glover.  Here is my interview with Tony Endelman.

E199 Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed our conversation as much as I did. Love Tony and his message for men. And go get a copy of the excellent new men’s book The Big Stick where Tony distills Dr. Glover‘s wisdom down into what you need to know as a man. Thank you Basecampers and we’ll see you around the fire next week.