E246: Exoconscious Humans with Special Guest

Rebecca Hardcastle Wright Phd.


E246 Introduction

One of the sources of wisdom for humanity throughout the ages has come out of the mystic tradition or mysticism. I prefer to use this term broadly to capture all of the ways that my fellow humans access Divine wisdom.

It’s interesting to note that Wisdom is not faithful to just one tradition, you see her all over the world wearing many different garments. Her primary purpose seems to be to help humanity navigate the storms that attempt to unmoor us from true north.

Which brings us to today’s topic. I used to keep all the extraterrestrial stuff- the crop circles and the channelings and all of the crazy accurate psychic abilities as something separate from what I had previously thought of as “the mystic’s way”. Now I see that it was Wisdom herself wearing yet another outfit and whispering that it is time for this information.

I don’t pretend to know just how the ET topic hits the shores of everyone‘s awareness or even how it is for you. I only know that, for the brave souls like my guest today who have lead the way, I am grateful beyond words for blazing a trail that so many of us are now rapidly moving along.

The acceleration of the evolution of human consciousness- what my guest today coined the term Exoconscious Humans, is a very compelling idea. This Exonconscious branch of the wisdom tree has grown up in the shadows, being seen as too far out there to explore for most people. But destiny has caught up with this tribe, who are now being seen as a courageous band of futurists who have been prepping our tribe for years. Enjoy the interview. 

Rebecca Hardcastle Wright Bio

Rebecca Hardcastle Wright Phd. is a Phoenix-based futurist, author, coach, and host of Exoconscious Humans YouTube. She founded the Institute for Exoconsciousness, the first post-disclosure organization to support co-creation between natural human and off-planet intelligences.

Rebecca developed the word Exoconsciousness, now in mainstream use, to describe the innate human abilities to connect, communicate, and co-create with ET, multidimensional, and spiritual beings that link us directly to the cosmos. Here is my interview with Rebecca Hardcastle Wright. 

E246 Final Thoughts-

I hope you enjoyed that conversation as much as I did. If the Globalists want to normalize things like a dystopian, AI driven future, then we can normalize Exoconsiousness, with its honoring and strengthening of our innate humanity, a deepening connection to God and the Divine and and our flowering intuition and psychic abilities, don’t you agree?