E184: Climate Clarity with Special Guest Dr. Judith Curry


E184 Introduction

Today’s conversation is one that I have been wanting to have for quite some time. Climate change. It is a topic that is much more controversial and up-for-debate than all the MSM pundits would have you believe.

As a life-long nature lover, living in harmony with our beloved planet is important to me and my family. Yet, how do we separate the signal from all the noise? Especially when any dissenting opinions from highly qualified climate scientists like my guest today are being suppressed, ridiculed, and cancelled.

Haven’t we seen this before? Didn’t those that did not want to participate in a MRNa clinical trials, the unvaccinated, get ridiculed, ostracized, and cancelled amidst all the Covid noise? Can you see a similar dynamic here? I can.

My intention with this episode was and is to find clarity for myself on a issue that is important to me. I want to be informed on this topic, not be spoon fed one side of the debate. I want to know what is what and I hope you do to.

Before we get started, here a 3 quotes to help tee up the interview. The first one is from the author herself who says “Such apocalyptic statements rightfully draw criticism for leading people to believe that these scenarios are inevitable, rather than implausible. Dystopian climate fiction is the place to explore such scenarios.”

Another from Brian O’Neil one of the lead architects of the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways who says “There isn’t, you know, like a Mad Max scenarios amongst the SSP’s. We are generally in the climate change field NOT talking about futures that are worse than today.

And finally from anthropologist Peter Wood who says “Climate change is just a mental tattoo. A phrase we invoke with an air of scientific sophistication to give some sense of knowledge ability about the unknowable.”

Let’s go sit around the fire with a climate scientist who will help us separate solid scientific consensus signal from all the noise that poses as such. Enjoy the interview.

Dr. Judith Curry Bio

Dr. Judith Curry is the President and co-founder of Climate Forecast Applications Network. She is a Professor Emerita at Georgia Institute of Technology where she served as the Chair of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences for 13 years. Her expertise is in climate dynamics, extreme weather, and prediction/predictability. Dr. Curry is a Fellow at the American Meteorological Society, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the American Geophysical Union. She is also the author of the upcoming book, which we will talk about today: Climate Uncertainty and Risk. Here is my interview with Dr. Judith Curry.

E184 Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed that interview as much as I did. If I could boil down one of the big takeaways, its that there is a distinct difference between a scientific consensus and simply a consensus of scientist. MSM presents the climate issue as a scientific consensus when it is not.

I also found it useful to deconstruct the whole narrative around Climate change, using Dr. Judith as a scientific reference, to see what we know for sure and what is still very much up for debate. I hope we broke this down in a way that was easy to follow.

For those of you looking to get a bit more informed, I highly recommend Dr. Judith’s upcoming book Climate Uncertainty and Risk. You can find it at www.anthempress.com/climate-uncertainty-and-risk-hb

Thank you Basecampers and we’ll see you around the fire next week.