E4: We are All Americans with Special Guest Roy Holman


E4 Introduction

Hello and welcome to the American Pulse. One of our aims on this show is to create inspiring, short-format content that you can listen to on the fly. Our take is that Americans are drawn to optimism and inspiration.

Right now, WE THE PEOPLE are energized. More and more of us are witnessing the truth of what our gov’t has been doing (or not doing) and seeing new possibilities that did not exist with the prior status quo. And when I say status quo, I mean until very recently that both parties have been entrenched, are you following me?

I believe we are close to a tipping point in this nation and in the world. Where more and more of us will realize just how corrupted our political structures have been, their allegiances to something or someone that does not have WE THE PEOPLE nor the Constitution of the United States Republic in mind.

But the tide has shifted, hasn’t it? And with the shifting tide, we need to shift with it. Do we still need the us vs them attitude? Are we still in an epic battle? Or has something changed and God is requiring something else right now from each and every one of us. I am presenting this to you as a question, not an answer. For I am in this monumental time in our country just the same as you. Looking for wisdom, doing our best to remain patient, forgiving others and asking for forgiveness.

Today’s guest is one of my best friends, Roy Holman. Enjoy the episode.