E44: Change Your Life by Changing Your Story featuring Lori Gottlieb


E44 Introduction

“The nature of life is change and the nature of people is to resist change.”

There is so much wisdom in this simple little statement. The Hero or the protagonist of the story (which is you) must always be reconciling this dynamic. How do we get ourselves ready for the next chapters of our lives, knowing that loss and change and life itself will shake our very foundation? How do we keep our narratives flexible so as not to get too rigid in our interpretations of what has happened to us, of who we are, and of what is possible for us moving forward.

In many ways, we don’t see how we create our own limitations. Or how we will often use story to create inertia in our lives. We unconsciously block ourselves from the very things that we crave the most- love, vitality, forgiveness, and renewal. We want a fresh chapter but keep telling ourselves the same old stories about ourselves and our world.

My hope is that today’s conversation can help show how psychotherapy can be used as a powerful tool. One that can help us re-write the parts of our narrative that no longer serve our growth or our potential. As a champion and recipient of many hours of therapy, I can attest to the effectiveness of the tools you learn and the value of changing perspectives on a life situation. Therapists are often excellent guides in getting forward movement back into the protagonists story. The takeaway? That the story of your life is always open to a fresh interpretation.

Lori Gottlieb Bio

Lori Gottlieb is a psychotherapist and author of the New York Times bestseller Maybe You Should Talk to Someone which is being adapted as a television series.  In addition to her clinical practice, she writes The Atlantic’s “Dear Therapist” advice column and contributes regularly to The New York Times and many other publications. Her recent TED Talk is one of the top 10 most watched of the year. Her new iHeart Radio podcast, “Dear Therapists”, produced by Katie Couric, will premier later this year.