E43: Creating Your Future Self with Special Guest

Dr. Benjamin Hardy


E43 Introduction

The topic of how we actualize our potential has long been a fascinating one to me. What habits do we need to examine and, perhaps, let go of to be a better version of ourselves? What builds courage in our lives?

My guest today is Dr. Benjamin Hardy and he is someone who has been exemplary at putting his principles to the test. He has evolved himself into a prolific writer and thought leader with content that continually has you think and examine yourself and the results that you produce. This is not just about productivity. He examines the psychology and inner workings of what creates your results and gives you new tools to set a different course for yourself.

Dr. Benjamin Hardy Bio

Dr. Benjamin Hardy is an organizational psychologist and the bestselling author of Willpower Doesn’t Work. From 2015-2018, he was the #1 writer in the world on Medium.com. His blogs are read by millions every month. Ben and his wife Lauren adopted 3 children from the foster system in Febuary 2018 and one month later Lauren got pregnant with twins who were born in Dec. of 2018.

Here is my interview with Dr. Benjamin Hardy.

And go pick up a copy of his great new book Personality Isn’t Permanent.  When you do, if you go to www.benjaminhardy.com and give them your purchase code, Ben and his team has some great free resources for you.