E175 Taxes… with Special Guest Dr. Sherry Peel Jackson


E175 Introduction

Hello Basecampers, I hope you are all going well. Let’s see, what has been going down? The banks! That’s who. Will our money be safe in our banks? Most people still think so but you hear a lot more rumblings these days, don’t you?

Last weekend over 1 million people set up new Bitcoin wallet addresses. Think about that! That trend is unlikely to change anytime soon. People are looking for a safe haven for their assets and Bitcoin is emerging as the new gold standard with its absolute scarcity and true decentralization.

Something has been circling around my awareness like a hawk overhead. That there is something in the way that the Globalists have enslaved us that is hidden in plain sight. It’s in the legal system.

Have you ever wondered WHY Washington DC is not part of America? Why does it have separate laws and separate jurisdiction? Why do the court systems operate under Maritime law? What are the implications of that? Why does the Federal Reserve Bank, a private corporation hold so much power and sway over our public officials and public life? Why is the IRS allowed to collect money UNLAWFULLY on behalf of a private corporation? Do you see the absurdity of this?

Today is the first part of a deeper dive over the course of Season Five into how to live as a free, sovereign human being despite being born into a legal structure that is meant to enslave and to keep you in the dark as to Natural Law or God’s Law.

Remember that episode I did with Paul Remington Jones or as he is know as Paul Unslaved? That was way back in E87 titled Standing in Strength. Well, it seems that we are circling back around this issue:  what sorts of structures our enemy has created and hoped that we wouldn’t discover?  Yet we are figuring it out and talking amongst ourselves.

Let’s go sit around the fire with Dr. Sherry Peel Jackson, a former IRS agent.

Sherry Peel Jackson Bio- 

My guest today Dr. Sherry Peel Jackson. Dr. Jackson is a Christian author and speaker. She currently teaches entrepreneurship, debt-free living, audit and asset protection, and survival in the new economy. She is a long-time accountant and former IRS agent who has an interesting story to share with us. Here is my interview with Sherry Peel Jackson.

E175 Final Thoughts-

While I was listening to this episode, I realized a few things. One, this is likely to be one episode in a series I will do on individual Sovereignty. I have done a number on Sovereignty but I feel like we are getting down to the essence of it. What it is that holds the whole corrupt system in place.

And I also realized from this new book that I am reading about the United States incorporated that there is a big difference between what is LEGAL and what is LAWFUL.

Legal refers to maritime law and corporations large and small and that even includes you and I with our so-called “birth certificates”. Lawful is God’s law or Natural Law. Big difference. We will be unpacking this as I find the right guests. Something big is brewing in this area for Americans. We’re going to figure out what all of this is trying to teach us.

Thank you for your patience Basecampers and we’ll see you around the fire next week.