E128: Growing Our Sovereignty with Special Guest Christian Elliot


E128 Introduction

The topic of sovereignty has been moved into the center for me and many others. It seems the little things that we do and learn in the coming weeks and months might be the difference between thriving and living in fear in our not-so-distant future. Are we heading for a societal and financial collapse? One that is violent and freaks everyone out? I hope not.

I hope the transition to the new paradigm is gradual and one that each one of us can integrate. But when you are talking about entrenched systems of power and control (Central Banking, centralized food and supply distribution, centralized education), not to mention technology and its invasive application into our lives and minds, a gradual transition would not be my prediction. It will happen in a rapid destruction and I believe we are already seeing it.

With all that being said, I want any systems that have enslaved us to be deconstructed. We all have money in the banks but that does not mean Central Banking is a friend to you and I. Quite the contrary as only a bit of basic research will reveal to you.

Do I consider myself a prepper? No. But I, like any responsible father, am doing my research, learning new skills, and making adjustments.   My conversation today with my guest is part of my offering to you. I hope you will join me in educating yourself and your loved ones on the principles and tools of sovereignty. I believe it is the sanest and most empowering road for us.

One little piece of news before we get to our interview, I see Go Fund Me took 10 million dollars that were donated to the Canadian truckers who are marching for freedom of choice and redistributed it to more “woke” causes. Are you kidding me? So if you don‘t agree with them philosophically, they will steal your money and give it to someone else? I missed that part on their website. This is something that should concern anyone, no matter their political orientation. What if your group was championing an environmental or climate change cause and Go Fund Me took the money and gave it to the NRA because they thought that was better use?

Personally, I will no longer donate to any cause that asks for my money using Go Fund Me. And yes, I am not above taking pleasure in their downward spiral and ultimate failure. Who wouldn’t? Hey Go Fund Me, here is something really obvious. When people trust you to broker donations to the causes THEY choose, they don’t want it stolen from them. Just a little FYI. Oh, and news travels fast when your business does something unethical. But you are already finding that out, aren’t you?

Christian Elliot Bio-

Christian Elliot is a husband, father of five, and a certified personal trainer, health coach, and nutrition expert. He has a Masters of Divinity and since 2003 has logged over 15,000 hours of one-on-one coaching. He and his wife Nina run TRUE Whole Human, a high-touch, personal-coaching practice where they help clients radically transform their health and keep it that way. Here is my interview with Christian Elliot.

E128 Final Thoughts-

I hope you all enjoyed our talk with Christian Elliot. I am going to be participating in his upcoming Sovereignty program and I recommend you to do the same. I’m looking over the modules and it is tempting for me to do the Health and Healing module first as you know Christian and Nina will have great content. I see they are including material on fasting and how to protect yourself and your family from EMF pollution. Really important and relevant information.

But another module, Food Fundamentals, also looks really relevant to me. As someone who has been a life-long urbanite and who grocery shops for his food, this is an obvious area to grow my autonomy outside of any central control. If you outsource important areas like food, health, safety, then what do you do when those that you outsource this to change the terms of the agreement? What do we do in a supply line freeze?

To get all the information on Christian’s Sovereignty Project, go to www.truewholehuman.com/sovereignty. Get on the waitlist for this excellent program starting in April.