E129: Restoring Our Health and Sanity with Special Guest Dr. Jeannette Daneals


E129 Introduction

I have been extremely fortunate. My whole life really. To continually have people around me who inspire me and live from their deepest purpose. In fact, it seems the only people in my inner circle these days are these mission-driven, courageous people.

When I was young, I only had one or two people who carried this torch for me. I think this is true for many of us. One person showed us some gnosis or inner truth that would be the spark for the flame we would create and honor. My inner circle has changed drastically the past two years as destiny would have it. As I grew in my awareness and inner knowing, so my constellation changed. Gone is the old Tony and his old group of friends. To be replaced by, you guessed it, a new version of myself. This is something we have talked about on many episodes. Your Hero‘s Journey molding you for the next chapters of your story and OUR story and your role in it.

I can feel the mythic dimensions of what is happening speaking to me. And I long to do episodes with myth front and center. I think you all know how much I love doing those episodes. There is just one problem. I don’t know what the mythic dimension wants from me right now! If you saw all the books around me with myth broadly as the theme, you would chuckle. I can’t yet find the next through line, but I will.

Today, I have the pleasure of doing an episode with a courageous woman that I know. A badass and hero whom I have a great deal of respect for. We talk about navigating the minefield of the MSM narrative and how we can all flex our sovereignty in the area of health, no matter what our choices have been up till now. I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I did.

Dr. Jeannette Daneals Bio

My guest today is naturopathic doctor Jeannette Daneals. Jeanette is a healer, teacher, and one of those people that positively impacts all of the people that come to her for insights and resources.

She says in her bio that “There are times in which, as a naturopathic physician, I am confronted by the system’s resistance. But I have hope nonetheless as I can see an awakening in the general populace for deeper, meaningful healing. It inspires me to continue to show up and do the work that I know we are all here to do and that is to grow and be the best versions of ourselves both physically and spiritually.”

Here is my interview with Dr. Jeannette Daneals.

E129 Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed my conversation with Dr. D, as she is affectionately known as. To participate in her hand analysis reach out to her and let her know at drdaneals@gmail.com . I am going to be grabbing a spot for a reading as it sounds really interesting to me.

And she sent me an email in the 11th hour mentioning that we got side-tracked a bit and didn’t give the listeners specific recommendations for detox from the jab.

Here are 10 recommendations from Dr. D:

  1. Vitamin C in lyposomal form
  2. Buffered vitamin C
  3. NAC
  4. Nebulizer Hydrogen peroxide
  5. Vitamin D3
  6. Zinc
  7. Sweat!!!! Sauna etc
  8. Good sleep
  9. Hugs, dance and laugh
  10. IV Detox Supreme at the Tummy Temple (Seattle)

For those in the Seattle area, the Tummy Temple remains an oasis of health and wisdom. You can find Dr. D there helping with health, both physically and spiritually.

For those in other areas, a simple Google search of naturopathic doctors in your area will give you a short list of people that can assist you on optimizing your health, no matter what your choice has been on the Big Pharma shots.