E208: Our Cities- A Naomi Wolf Reading


E208 Introduction

I have been a city dweller my whole life. A sophisticated urbanite, as they say. Living in both Seattle, then NYC for 10 years, and now back to Seattle to raise our family. I have LOVED the cities that I have been a part of. The culture, the humanity, the diversity, the human connection, the art and the food, the street scene, and yes, even the edge. The occasional violence and crime that come across your radar.

All of these have been part of my whole adult life. And there seems to be a common sentiment among many city dwellers these days. They can‘t wait to get out. Things are fraying in our great cities and it is in plain daylight for all of us to see. The violence, the mental health crisis, the crime, the homelessness, the hopelessness. Our cities seem lost don‘t they? Can we recover them?

The following is a reading of an article by the great writer Naomi Wolf. I will give you resources on where to find her at the end. Naomi is a former liberal writer, best-selling author, and thought leader and celebrity. She has famously been a walkaway from the left as the woke Marxist agenda started to alert her that something else was going on and perhaps she was being played. I know exactly how she feels.

Here I am acting as a simply voice-over, speaking Naomi‘s elegant words. I hope she doesn‘t mind that I pay tribute to her and her ideas this way. Enjoy!