E78: The Path with Heart with Special Guest Scott Wyman


E78 Introduction-

I would like to start by thanking a dear friend of mine, Roger Songster. Roger, your text message really helped strengthen me this week so thank you for that.  You’re a true friend.

I have found that when you follow your Hero’s Journey and commit to living your deepest truth, it doesn’t always come as a celebration to those that are closest to you. This is part of what makes it heroic. You leave what is familiar. This inevitably takes us away, sometime far away, from the familiar faces and viewpoints and identities of where we have come from and where we have been.

I didn’t think when we started Basecamp for Men that it would be such an important  chapter in my life. I have learned just as much as you have about this emerging tribe we are calling WE THE PEOPLE.

Of all the things I have tried and done, I think writing and hosting this podcast has been my favorite endeavor. I never thought it would bring me this much satisfaction. I just love it! It feels like a culmination of all my life experiences and all the things I have read and researched all rolled into one expression. That and I get to interview incredibly wise and kind-hearted people like my guest today.

Scott Wyman Bio-

Scott Wyman has been a passionate student of the spiritual path for over 40 years. A psychotherapist for over 30 years he as come to blend western psychological insights with ancient teachings that have stood the test of time, using practices that go directly to the source of our suffering, connecting the highest truth of our Soul with the darkest aspects of our shadow.

E78 Final Thoughts-

A couple of final things. If all this talk of meditation as a tool for your own growth and development has piqued your interest and you like Scott as much as I do, go sign up for his upcoming 3-day online meditation retreat on March 5-7that www.scottwyman.comThis will surely be a great retreat for beginners and advanced students alike. Let Scott know you heard him here on the show.

And Scott recommended a beloved meditation teacher and author from Vietnam named Thich Nat Hahn.  His book Being Peace is considered an absolute classic in most spirituality circles.  I have a number of his books in my library and they all contain great wisdom.