E67: The Intelligence of the Heart with

Special Guest Howard Martin


E67 Introduction-

Since it inception, Basecamp for Men has zeroed in on a number of themes. Men’s work and myth to keep us connected and inspired. Health and vitality so that we look and feel out best. We’ve had episodes on the tools we need to better see ourselves with clarity and honesty. As well as how we can be the best husbands and fathers we can be. How do men go about growing their emotional intelligence? Or their spiritual intelligence? What does that look like for men? And we have looked at what is in the shadow, both in ourselves and the world at large.

Today’s episode fits nicely with our catalogue as it is about the intelligence of the heart. If there is a thread that runs through all of Basecamp (besides the Hero’s Journey), it is this: how do men live with more heart? This is a central question in all of the men’s groups that I lead. How do we cut through all the excessive thinking, the cognitive noise, and ego to live our lives more fully from the heart?

Remember men, the heart always knows the way. No matter what is going on. No matter how crazy and confusing the world looks like and feels, the heart can be counted on as your most reliable compass of what is true.

My guest today is an expert on matters  of the heart and I am excited to be in dialogue with him.

Howard Martin Bio-

Howard Martin is a key spokesperson for the HeartMath Companies. Through his public speaking events, Howard illuminates the intelligence of the heart, describing how we can all access it to create positive and sustainable change. He is a co-author of the highly acclaimed book The HeartMath Solution and contributing author of Heart Intelligence. Most recently, Howard helped to co-create The HeartMath Experience, a new online video program introduced by HeartMath in January 2020.

E67 Final Thoughts-

I hope you enjoyed our conversation with Howard.

Howard is gifting Basecamp for Men listeners with free access for a limited time to the HeartMath Experience. A beautifully crafted online video program experience that feels like you’re watching a movie while you learn key techniques based on research and developed by HeartMath. To get free access go to HeartMath.com.