E265: The Courage to Face Addiction with Special Guest Sathiya Sam


E265 Introduction

Addiction, the Hero’s Journey, Shadow Work, and Men’s Groups. These are all topics, frames, and narrative tools that I have worked with personally and witnessed countless men skillfully navigate the challenges they face.

Shadow work is funny. Men have a tendency to want to project a confident, flawless, high status and achievement oriented persona to face the world. And so often, the shadow (which we define as all the things we hide, repress, and deny about ourselves) lurks and grows stronger with each passing year. The addiction that we can’t seem to get a handle on. The wound that keeps festering.

The Hero’s Journey is nothing if not a mythical context to grow courage in ourselves. And every addict (myself included) who has ever wrestled with this shadowy material knows a delightful truth. That addressing your addiction, whether that is alcohol, drugs, pornography, or technology, has positive ramifications for not just the individual, but the whole family lineage and, indeed, the whole human tribe.

We are courageous by nature Basecampers. Our addictions and Hero’s Journey are a way to really KNOW this in our hearts and in our Soul. The Hero’s Journey always leads to someplace unexpected and valuable. The former addict becomes a mentor, helping others. The restless young man with no mission or positive direction finds clarity and his path in life once the shadow is seen and worked with.

I have seen it a bunch and so has my guest today. A wonderful teacher and testament to looking at the dragon that nobody wants to look at. And then building a bridge for the next man and then the next.

I enjoyed this conversation more than just about any in recent memory. And you can tell that his work is right in alignment with our values here at Basecamp. Enjoy the interview.

Sathiya Sam Bio

My guest today is Sathiya Sam. Sathiya is a father, husband, coach, international speaker, and author. A former university researcher, then a pastor, and now the creator of Deep Clean and Liberated Man programs born out of Sathiya’s 15 year addiction recovery and the life he’s built since. Here is my interview with Sathiya Sam.

E265 Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed that interview as much as I did. What a great mission Sathiya is on and what a great offering for men. There are addiction programs out there but I don’t see one that offers so many of the tools that we preach here on this show.