E236: Spirits in the Material World with Special Guest Jordan Youklis


E236 Introduction

“The real fight is not between the right and the left, but rather between humanists and extinctionists.”

Elon Musk


This is really not a fight between Republican and Democrats. I know each side can get reflexively defensive (and offensive) to one another. The battle for who will control things here in this nation and on this planet goes SO much deeper than that. It is almost laughable to think that the two parties have much to do with this other than keeping the U.S. Corporation (known affectionately as the Administrative Deep State) alive on life-support.

The coming months will see this Cabal in its own death throes, mark my words. As Q has said, we are witnessing the destruction of the old guard and good riddance, I say. They have done unspeakable things to innocent children (and humanity at large). I’m sorry to bring that up again but it’s a fact. Much of this dog and pony show between the Cabal and the White Hats is the Deep State squirming to try and keep the truth from hitting the shores of consensus consciousness. However, it is too late for them to save themselves or their narrative. WE THE PEOPLE know too much and there is too many of us and none of us are going to shut up about this stuff.

Personally, I want to do my part to drive a stake into the heart of vampiric entities that would mean harm to my tribe. And my tribe is humanity (as I’ve stated many, many times). I don‘t care what your skin color is,  or your socioeconomic status, I don‘t care where you were born or what your sexual orientation is, I don‘t care if you are religious or not. If you care about humans and human children and the future of this beautiful planet and you know in your Soul that we can do better than psychopaths like Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab at making decisions that effect the American Republic and WE THE PEOPLE, then you are one of us. The White Hats aka the Alliance.

Oh, you will get called all sorts of names by the propaganda coming out of the enemies loudspeakers and it will get picked up and parroted by those that are not awake yet, but such is the nature of war, is it not?

Everyone on the left is talking about Joe Biden’s dismal debate performance. The CIA owned MSM finally showed the left what Patriots have seen for years on their feeds. That Joe Biden is lost in a fog of dementia and is unfit for leadership. I’ll say that again, Patriots have know for YEARS! How? Because it was all over our feeds on Telegram and Rumble and other Anon outlets. Years ago dear listeners. Think about that for a second. The left is having an emotional reaction to something we knew years ago. This won‘t be the last time this happens.

The magicians behind the curtains. They know that human consciousness co-creates reality based on what the mind believes to be true and real. This process is amplified when installed in the collective consciousness of the masses. THEY are projecting what THEY WANT into YOUR MINDS so that you build it for them.”

In other words, watch out for all the doomer black pill stuff such as  “they are too powerful to defeat” narrative. That is what THEY want you to imagine. We win when we toss that aside and focus on our own sovereignty, dignity, and divinity. They can’t touch us if we stand in our God-given freedom. No more tacit agreements with psychopaths that hate us. We are in the process of re-writing all former agreements that are one-sided (benefitting only them) and deceitful (as in we were not given a truthful picture of the situation. See E186 Intro to Natural Law for a deep dive.

There is never been a more important time to recognize the power of human consciousness to mold thoughts and feelings into the frequency and vibration field that becomes our “reality” in this dimension. If we take control of this process for the betterment of the HUMAN tribe, there is not a whole lot that the anti-humanist tribe can do about it, is there?

Today I had the pleasure today of sitting around the fire with a young man who has experienced a powerful awakening himself. The discussion is far-ranging and thought provoking. Let’s go get his take on all the things that are unfolding and about to unfold. Enjoy the interview.

Jordan Youklis Bio

My guest today is Jordan Youklis. Jordan is the host of Entangled, the podcast exploring the science of consciousness, the true nature of reality, and what it means to be a spiritual being having a human experience. He is also currently enrolled at Maharishi International University in a Masters program studying Consciousness & Human Potential. Here is my interview w Jordan Youklis.