E232: Addiction and Faith


E232 Introduction

The different stories around addiction has been one of the recurring themes throughout the seasons here on Basecamp. Why? Well, because yours truly has participated in this particular Hero’s Journey.

As the host of this show, I keep my eye out for courageous and inspiring people from all walks of life. Since the MSM will only tell its version of what are as humans. And their version seems to be that as a species we are weak, violent, dependent victims who need others to tell us what to do and how to go about it.

I feel it is my duty to consistently present MY version of humanity, which is filled with love, respect, courage, and fellowship. We will always be presented in a false light by those in mainstream media. Why? Because they don’t want us united and inspired and proud. They don’t want us to living with dignity and walking in the Light with one another. If they truly wanted these things for us, then you would find much different stories about us in the newspapers and on the television, would you not?

Since they won‘t tell a true version of our collective Hero’s Journey, then it is up to us humble writers and podcasters to share our story with each other and future generations. And if you ever hear people saying things like “humans are just shitty by nature” or “we are the reason everything is going to shit” and they refuse to acknowledge our enemy or the war we have been immersed in, I challenge you to correct them (as I do). For this attitude towards our fellow humans show the depth of indoctrination in a deeply anti-human narrative and one that is constantly and consistently pushed in our faces by the bullhorns of MSM.

Today we sit down with another courageous human and one from Kenya! I hope you can hear our common ground and that we are both warriors for Team Human. Enjoy the interview.

Ruth Njagi Bio-

My guest today is Ruth Njagi. Ruth is based in Nairobi Kenya and is the founder of A Second Chance Consults, an organization doing excellent work in the area of sexual addiction and recovery. She is an author and speaker and is passionate about helping facilitate healing for people lost in addiction.  Here is my interview with Ruth Njagi.