E231: The Secrets of Space


E231 Introduction-

Well as promised (from a few months back, today is a solo episode on a topic that I have been exploring for the better part of two decades: The Secret Space Program and the truth about our involvement and collaboration with several extraterrestrial races. Oop, there it is. I said it already.

I have danced around the topic, mentioned it from time to time and even had on some guests like Lily Nova and Champ Parinya and addressed it a bit with each of them.

This episode took a LOONG time to put together. Why? Well, while making this episode, I kept trying to gather a few nuggets and make something but the material itself seemed to slip through my fingers. As a writer, I was swimming in strong currents. I kept asking myself “what does God want me to speak of here?” What will be the best approach, knowing that this is new for some listeners and that there are listeners that know more about all this than I do. How do I construct this? The phrase “in the weeds” kept coming to mind.

No other topic or episode (to date) has been so difficult to put together. Not because there are not enough sources or good material. But because there is TOO MUCH. There are rabbit holes upon rabbit holes, each interconnected to PARTS of the truth about our place in the galaxy and with WHOM we share this place with. Roswell, Operation Paperclip, the Majestic 12, the Galactic Federation, all the ET races (the pro-humanity Nordics (Pleiadians, Arturians, the Sirians and Andromedans and on the other end of the spectrum and the Alpha Draconians, the Reptilians with their Nazi Germany/Antarctic or 4th Reich allies on the other.

With other topics like the Dark Fleet, Solar Warden which is the name of the Navy SS program, the Air Force Secret Space Program, your head starts to spin and with good reason. What is what? How can we discern the truth? Especially when we have been taught and trained NOT TO LOOK at any of this, lest you be branded as a (gasp) “conspiracy theorist” aka truther. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Well, our search is simplified by one simple fact: the truth is looking for us as well. It WANTS to be found and we are just the kind of people to pull it even closer.

Powerful information beckons us from ancient times to present day. Where are YOU at Basecamper of your awareness of the ET topic? Let’s dust off our tin foil hats, fasten our seatbelts, and have a look at a topic that may very well end up defining the times we live in. Enjoy.