E217: The 911 Red Pill w Special Guest Richard Gage


E217 Introduction

For many in the truther movement, 911 was the first of many red-pills. For some of us, the events of 911 looked “off” as in we could detect a grand deception of some sorts. But much of is was gut instinct and intuition. That is until the archetects and structural engineers started to analyze the date. Then their findings confirmed what the citizen journalist truthers had known all along: the official 911 narrative was a sham. A story that the Deep State desperately needed you to believe as they invaded Iraq for non-existent “weapons of mass destruction” remember that? And then went on to pass unconstitutional legislature such as the Patriot Act to spy on, surveil, search without cause, and strip Americans of their God-given rights in the name of “safety”. My question after all these years is who is keeping WE THE PEOPLE safe from these psychopaths? Hmm.

I rarely talk about 911. Not because it‘s controversial, I hardly think of it that way anymore. Because for me it is so obvious! But also we have all sorts of other deception going on right now that 911 seems a long time ago, doesn’t it? However, it still carries an AK-47 capacity to red pill whoever dares to look at the evidence with curiosity, discernment, common sense, and an ability to let go of any strong conditioning about our so-called leaders.

If you go into your investigations with anything close to a Zen Mind, Beginners Mind, I guarantee you will arrive at the exact same conclusions that we came to. Its about as obvious as 3rd grade math.

I have always wanted to do a proper episode on 911 as it was one of my important but many red-pill moments and events that make me who I am today. I hope you enjoy the episode!

Richard Gage Bio-

My guest today is San Francisco Bay area architect Richard Gage, AIA, member of the American Institute of Architects and founder & former  CEO of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. He, along with his courageous wife Gail, continues to lead the charge toward a real investigation into the destruction of all 3 World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11  at RichardGage911.org .