E173: Conversations with Walkaways with Special Guest

Keri Smith


E173 Introduction


As promised, we continue with our series of episodes about the Walkaways or those who have dared to leave the left, or leave the church of the woke. I like how we are unfolding this season. Sometimes we are diving into a Walkaway episode, sometimes its Bitcoin, sometimes it’s about how the spiritual war is unfolding and what WE THE PEOPLE need to be aware of. Hopefully it all ties together for you.

I do feel this show is in God’s hands. There is a synchronicity and grace in how the guests arrive and even what I feel inspired to share or dialogue with you about. Hopefully, you will feel that the show is giving you some insights and resources that you are not hearing elsewhere or maybe its reinforcing something in you. An alignment with truth perhaps.

Today’s conversation is one of my recent favorites. Keri Smith and I, (Keri is the creator of Deprogrammed), share our Walkaway stories. Both of us long-time liberals. Each of us using our innate wisdom and discernment to find the road less-travelled and then using podcasts to call back to those that may need to also find the road back to sanity, back to truth. Enjoy today’s episode.

Keri Smith Bio

My guest today is Keri Smith. Keri is a thought-leader, a walkaway from the woke ideology, and the creator and host of the podcast and You Tube channel Deprogrammed. Here is my interview with Keri Smith.

E173 Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed our time with Keri Smith as much as I did. Her and I are in alignment on so many things, it’s fun to go back and forth. It resonated with me when she said that wokeism is an authoritarian ideology. You must comply or else.

And I love how she handles the pronoun thing for transgendered individuals. It’s the first time I have heard such a humanist distinction and I like it. I am going to adopt it.

To find Keri and her work, go to her You Tube channel Deprogrammed for all sorts of excellent content. Thank you Basecampers and we’ll see you around the fire next week.