E163: Truth with Compassion with Special Guest

Roy Holman


E163 Introduction

Hello Basecampers. We are winding down season number four but today will be the second to the last instead of the last episode of season four. I am working on a project with Corey (my website guy) to categorize all the episodes so that you and future listeners can easily find what types of episodes they are looking for. So next week will likely be a combination of just me and perhaps a short Basecamp Classic, depending on my creative output.

Today’s episode is a good one I think with my good friend Roy Holman. Roy and I have had similar walkaway journeys. I count him as a trusted friend and fellow truth warrior. When you take this Hero’s Journey and let go of so many ideas and people (like Roy and I and others have) that were part of your earlier chapters, you bring a deep appreciation and gratitude to your newfound friends and travel-companions.

Being singled out as domestic terrorists and a blight to society for standing for personal freedom tends to bond people who are excommunicated from the herd. As you all know by now, I have a deep respect for the brave men and women who stand for truth and freedom. Thank you Basecampers and enjoy today’s episode.