E151: Around the Campfire Part 2 w Matthew Marnitz


E151 Introduction

Hello Basecampers, I hope you are all well. Here is part 2 of my interview with futurist and mystic Matthew Marnitz.The Great Awakening is barreling along, isn’t it? You have humanity expanding its consciousness in a bunch of obvious ways. And you have these powerful new inputs that are vying for our attention.

Corruption has been laid bare in broad daylight for all to see. The old illusory, egoic structures are dissolving. How do we make space for the truth? It seems we need to make a LOT of room as what held everything together prior to this awakening was lies and deception. Now we all know. What happens next?

It‘s good to think of the esoteric topics like you would music. Don’t try to jam it into any of your known categories. Instead, let the download of new information settle in and see how it works its inner alchemy, transforming every assumption and illusion that came before it.

E151 Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed that far-reaching conversation. The ET conversation is being had all over the planet and, in fact, next week I have a woman on whom I just love. I can’t wait to introduce you to her.

There was some good resources that I would like to remind you. These will be part of your own inquiry and investigative journalism. It is always best to arrive at truth from your own curiousity and research.

Dr. Michael Salla‘s books on the secret space programs are absolutely essential to understanding this topic. I have four of them and they are all excellent. The four I have are US Air Force Secret Space Program, US Navy Secret Space Program, a third book just called Space Force, and the most recent one I read called Galactic Federations and Councils which gives you an overview of who is out there, what they are about, and how they are collaborating with our military and certain corporations. Really interesting and insightful reading.

The book Matthew and I were talking about is Bringers of the Dawn by Barbara Marciniak. It is a classic and passed around by those in the know.

Thank you Basecampers, I look forward to sitting around the fire next week with you.