E141: Truth and Synchronicity with Special Guest Dr. Kenneth Harris


E141 Introduction

As you all know, I HIGHLY value authentic conversations and authentic people. Give me someone who wears their heart on their sleeve any day over some hyper-achiever who is constantly having to prove his worth to the world. I have to thank the Mankind Project for teaching me that the authentic, emotionally-honest, heart-centered road was the way into a more heroic way of living.

There is something about speaking your truth (even if its unpopular) and self-acceptance that has a boatload of power. The men I know, the ones I respect the most, are the ones that resonate with truth. And when I say truth, I simply mean: what is your heart telling you? What is resonating with you deeply? What does your inner knowing tell you about challenges you are facing?

We saw this over and over again during the past couple of years. Arguments amongst family and friends over what each of us should do: get the jab/don‘t get the jab; wear a mask/don’t wear a mask; speak out at what you are seeing/stay quiet and let the storm (hopefully) pass.

There will be more of these tests ahead of us I am sure. I promise that I will give you space to work this out on your own timeline. Knowing that your timeline and my timeline may be quite different. The Soul moves at the speed that the Soul moves. Let’s get to our interview today. It‘s a good one.

Ken Harris Bio

My guest today has been a pioneer in holistic medicine. Ken Harris is a transformational teacher, healer, speaker, and author . Ken was the founder of Waldrick Wellness Center in New Jersey, a multi-doctor facility providing all-natural health and wellness care for forty-five years. He is the author of a new book titled Synchronicity: The Magic, the Mystery, the Meaning. Ken also has the distinction of being the first guest on BFM to hit a home run in Yankee Stadium. Here is my interview with Dr. Ken Harris.

E141 Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed our time with Ken as much as I did. He is an elder that I have a ton of respect for and I hope to have him back on Basecamp for further conversations.

You can find Ken, his book about synchronicity, and all of his content and work at www.doctorkenharris.com.