E138: Language as a Creative Act with Special Guest Robert Stevens


E138 Introduction

If you are going to study human potential, sooner or later you are likely to come to the realization that how most of us typically use language is haphazard at best. When you get around real masters in the use of language- I‘m talking about people like Tony Robbins or Sophie McLean (a former Landmark Forum leader who has been a guest on my show twice), you really see the difference between how masters operate and the layperson.

The layperson will often create from a disempowering context and not even realize he or she is doing this. You can here it in the way they express life. Sometimes it’s a cynicism about the world or you sense a sort of resignation or victim mentality in how they habitually express themselves.

What makes this problematic is that most of us don’t know we are doing this. We think we are just expressing a fleeting frustration or excuse. Never suspecting that we are doing it all the time.

Or the ways that we habitually gossip and perpetrate against the so-called “others” in our lives. Never suspecting that our language tells more of a story about US than we would ever suspect. Are you following me?

My guest today is someone who has made language his life-long study. His books and programs are the fruits of this study and extremely beneficial for humanity. I hope you enjoy the interview.

Robert Stevens Bio

Robert Stevens is an author and teacher who discovered what he now calls Conscious Language™ in 1968 while doing an independent study on the Hopi Language. He is the Founder of Mastery Systems International Inc. and Mastery Systems Online University focusing on Awakening Our Masterful Selves through many proprietary Conscious Human Operating System™ Upgrades. Here is my interview with Robert Stevens.

E138 Final Thoughts-

You can find Roberts excellent book and work at www.masterystysems.com .

And if you have not read a book by Dr. Emoto, both Bob and I highly recommend his books on water and the impact of human thought, intention, and vibration to either positively or negatively effect the environment, ourselves, and one another. Essential reading for seekers and mystics. You can find most of Dr. Emoto’s books on Amazon.