E133: Our Joy is Our Strength with Special Guest Walkyria Whitlock


E133 Introduction

I have grown to love how organically my episode’s arrive. Guests can seem to come out of thin air, popping up to have a conversation with me just as I am starting to get a bit anxious about how do I make my next one.

I am excited about the direction of the show. I can see where humanity is heading. The Hero’s path is lit before us. We are resourced for this journey. I know the conversation that I want to have. I can almost sense their form in the imaginal realm. Can you sense it as well? It is whispering to us.

My guest today arrived in this synchronistic fashion. A charming young women who I now see as a fellow seeker. Our conversation reminded me about something important. That our joy and sense of innocence and wonder are part of our gifts. The Divine LOVES that through this whole spiritual war that we have been a part of, we can still laugh and play and express tremendous joy and gratitude!

It’s incredible isn’t it. Humanity is truly astounding. We show our strength in many ways- our resilience and heart, our love and commitment, our deep loyalty to one another. And our Warrior spirit. All are undeniable.

But one aspect of strength that doesn’t often get mentioned is our capacity for joy and play. This dance with the Divine. For isn’t play and joy a sure sign of our faith- in God, in the Divine plan, in one another, and our own place in this emerging story.

If we can carry all the spiritual Warriors gifts AND not give up our child-like innocence and joy, what can’t we do together?

Thank you for riding shotgun with me. I have enjoyed our conversation and your insights on this incredible journey that we have all been on together.

Walkyria Whitlock Bio

My guest today is Walkyria Whitlock. Walkeria is an author, yoga teacher, and a young woman who has followed her dreams, travelling to over 29 different countries. Her personal mission is to bring more joy to the world through the practice of gratitude. Here is my interview with Walkyria Whitlock.

E133 Final Thoughts-

I hope you enjoyed our time with Walkyria Whitlock. I love what she said about being action-oriented. That even when you are trying to figure out the direction or the next chapters of your life, be in action around things. I think this is really good advice for all sorts of people who are working through feeling stuck.

And her expression of joy being a sort of “thank you” for your life is great. I plan on using this very reminder myself as I also love to express joy and play in its many forms. To find Walkyria’s book “I love What I’ve Forgotten” or her meditation instruction for schools, go to www.walkyriawhitlock.com