Basecamp for Men E131: My Favorite F-Word

March 22, 2022

E131: My Favorite F-Word


E131 Introduction

This episode is dedicated to all who love freedom in all of its glorious colors. And a special thank you to Jason Hoyt who writes beautifully about civics. It’s not a natural topic for me to create from and I am thankful for Jason and his sharp and intelligent perspective.

Today is one of my short format Firestarters for Men titled My Favorite F-Word. What is my favorite F-word? Freedom, of course. And if you believe the mainstream media, whose corruption everyone is coming to see for themselves, then I am a racist and domestic terrorist for having freedom and liberty and the constitution at the center of my value system. Think about that for a second.

This is a different sort of episode for me and my apologies if it comes off as a sort of rehashed Civics course. As I was watching WE THE PEOPLE’s confusion during the shitshow that was you know what, I consequently did a deep dive into Natural Law, the Constitution, and the purpose of government. I sought to, at least, empower myself with knowledge. I hope this episode doesn’t come off as too preachy. I made it in case there are some points for you to study and remember in our near future. Here we go.