E124: Finding Our Way with Special Guest Roy Holman
E124 Introduction
I would like to start with a quote by St. Augustine who said: “The Truth is like a lion. You don’t have to defend it. Let it loose and it will defend itself.”
We are at a most interesting time in our awakening. It seems the truth is making itself known to more and more people. And not just the libertarians and freedom-loving tribe. The center, center-left, and yes even some lefties I know are seeing things differently than even a few months ago.
People seem, dare I say, LESS DIVIDED than before? The new book by Robert Kennedy Jr. The Real Anthony Fauci has stormed up the charts. It is red-pilling the center and center-left as we speak. Do you wan to know who Tony Fauci REALLY is? Go grab a copy for yourself and see what all the buzz is about.
And people seem to be turning more to God or Christ or the Divine and this is the other aspect of the Great Awakening. Humanity is learning of our Divine partnership in unique ways with each one of us adding to the whole.
My guest and I were marveling off microphone that we have both traversed the spiritual road far and wide and arrived back at God and Christ. There has been a particular magic for me in all of this. My spiritual journey has been a constant in my life. It was always imbued with myth and teachings from the East. It is only now, well into my middle years, that I have taken a keen interest in Christ and his teachings. It seems that God and the Divine like to keep us on our toes.
With that being said, I have always felt that BFM was divinely guided. My guests and topics come to me in often synchronistic ways. And it has taught me to trust God, to trust myself as a medium and messenger, and to trust you my listener to be able to pull from the conversations the insights and tidbits that you need to accelerate YOUR awakening and Hero’s Journey.
2022 is going to have us on the edge of our seats. There is protests for medical freedom and sovereignty happening all over the place. The center and center/left are waking up. This is the stage that mystics call The Quickening.
E124 Final Thoughts
I hope you enjoyed our conversation with Roy. I love his podcast Soulful Warrior. He is so down to earth and approachable in his conversations and never comes from a egoic point of view. Always offering the higher ground and insights for his listeners. It’s really valuable. To find his yoga and meditation classes and retreats or listen to his podcast The Soulful Warrior, go to www.holmanhealthconnections.com