E120: Season Three Wrap-Up


E120 Introduction

Well Basecampers, we have come to the end of season three. I hope you have been finding value in the episodes. Today we have a Firestarter short format with no interview. I really enjoyed season three. I feel privileged to be able to meet all these great people and bring you something different with these conversations. And I know that sometimes you and I are not in complete agreement on something and I want to thank you for giving me space to explore and express certain ideas and themes. I hope I am giving you space as you express your concerns and viewpoints and hopes about where we are going as a tribe.

There is so much going on in the world right now. There is a lot of people waking up. I will continue to do my best to hold and present a meta and mythic viewpoint for us. I invite you to join me in creating the new narrative. It is my belief that 2022 will be an astounding year for us. Our collective awakening is quickening and events will certainly come fast and furious in the coming year. Let’s continue to help one another make better sense of it.