E26: The Creative Life with Special Guest Jason Maniccia
E26 Introduction
For me, there is something uniquely courageous about artists and creative types. It‘s not that others don‘t exhibit courage or creativity in their own ways. It’s that people who follow their artistic vision often become examples of how to live a life that is true to the heart and true to yourself. Artists and creatives tend to be trailblazers.
I also sense that creative individuals hone their intuition and their instincts. Any artist will tell you that one of the things you develop over time is an ability to listen to and express the Muse. This elusive collective creative force that beckons artists across time and space to express the power and beauty of the creatively-led life.
My guest today is Jason Maniccia an actor and artist that I have known for almost 30 years. And we sat down to talk about creativity, baseball, and the road less traveled.