E240: The Marxist Mis-Education of Our Youth


E240 Introduction

Looking over the assessment for our students in public education, OSPI for this in the spring of 2023. 49% do not meet basic ELA standard. 61% do not meet basic Math standards. 57% do not meet basic Science standards. I’m talking the basics folks. One thing that has been successful? Well, the dumbing down of American children has been wildly successful from a Marxist point of view. Dumb them down so they can’t think critically, fill them with a bunch of lies and half-truths about the country they live in, make them ashamed of their bodies, their biological sex, the nation their forefathers fought for.

There are many appalling things about the war we are currently in. And when I say war, I am not talking about anything between liberals and conservatives or Democrats vs. Republicans. The conflict has so many layers that I won’t disrespect you by oversimplifying it.

However, for me and many others, the most appalling aspect of this conflict has been the impact that our enemy has had on the minds and souls of our children. The impact of Marxist ideology and the hatred, division, confusion, and unhappiness that this has sown in our young people is heartbreaking.

And most parents can’t see it. Not yet anyways. Although more and more are forced to contend with the truth: that the indoctrination in gov’t run schools is dumbing your kids down, turning them into misinformed woke activists being used by a larger agenda. And ill-equipped to be functioning men and women in society. Hell, they can’t even tell you what a man or woman is? This is how bad education has become.

Why don‘t we start teaching our youngsters the TRUTH about America and what we represent to the world? Why all the hatred, lies, ommisions of American exceptionalism and heroism? They can’t. You know why? Because it goes against their agenda.

You know, it is one thing to be aware of the Marxist takeover in our schools and universities. It is another to roll up your sleeves like my guest today does, to have a good long look at the textbooks. Not quite sure if your kids are being mis-educated in public schools? Let’s go talk to a woman who looks over what your kids read and find out. She has a VERY interesting take on it. Enjoy the interview!

Ann Streit Bio

My guest today is Ann Streit. As a concerned public educator, Ann Streit began investigating the reasons behind our failing schools. Appalled by what she learned, she has been sounding the alarm for the past ten years.  She is currently the Chapter Chair of Moms for Liberty – King County. Here is my interview with Ann Streit.

E240 Final Thoughts

Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times. 

The good times created a tribe of weak men, unable to recognize and stand up to the Marxist and Globalist enemy who is inside the gate and here for our children and our nation.

If ever there was a time for strong men and women to find their voices and their purpose, now is that time, don’t you think?

I will be here every step of the way Basecampers and we’ll see you around the fire next week.