E77: Why the World Will ALWAYS Need Men

with Special Guest Nicky Billou


E77 Introduction-

I believe that we still need masculine men. Men who know who they are, who are comfortable in their own skin. I believe we will always need the rock solid strength that men bring to the world.

Look, not everyone is going to be transgender or androgynous, despite what the MSM or pop culture is telling us. I do not believe it is best for our nation to have a world full of overly sensitive, politically correct soy boys. Do you?

The world has always and will always need men. After all, who will defend our nation? Who will protect our women and children? Who will father our future generations? Where will humanity derive its strength, which is inherent in men.

The eroding impact of cultural Marxism has temporarily put good men on their heels. Masculinity is under attack. This is not the cry of a victim here. I am just noticing.

There is a concerted effort to emasculate men. To turn us into something that we aren’t.   Boys are being educated to sit down and shut up and are often shamed simply for being of “the aggressive gender”.

I had the experience recently of finishing up a 9-year stint on the Board of Directors for a NYC not-for-profit. Overall, it was a wonderful experience.  However, as I was finishing up my tenure, our Board happened to schedule a day-long training in Critical Race Theory. I politely declined to participate.

According to Critical Race Theory, the fact that I declined to participate automatically makes me a racist. It doesn’t take much these days.

Yet, the truth is I didn’t want to waste 6 precious hours talking about how best to treat people, which I feel I do pretty well.  As a man, I’ve been trained to guard my boundaries well and I am just am not interested nor available to be shamed, confused, and isolated by trained cultural Marxists.  It seems that shaming, dividing, and confusing people is what they do best.

Political correctness has brought us a long ways from something so common sense as this: have respect and kindness for everyone you meet. This seems to me a much simpler approach to all the hand wringing, angst, and finger-pointing that we see today.

In these issues, I am really clear about a couple of things. One, I refuse to let others tell me what my experience is within the human tribe. I trust myself and I see us all as brothers and sisters on an epic Hero’s Journey. If that is not good enough for cultural Marxists and their followers, fuck ’em I say.

And I am also really clear that we will continue to need good men to help anchor strength in the human tribe. Men are needed now more than ever. If the men of our human tribe don’t claim and honor their inner strength, the part of them that is essentially masculine, then what do we do when the world once again needs the clarity and presence and strength of good men?

Let’s go talk to my guest today about some of these very issues.


Nicky Billou Bio-

Nicky Billou is the International Best Selling Author of the book: Finish Line Thinking: How to Think and Win Like a Champion.He is an in-demand and highly inspirational speaker and an advisor and confidante to some of the most successful and dynamic entrepreneurs in Canada. He is the co-founder of eCircle Academy (www.eCircleAcademy.com) where he runs a yearlong Mastermind & Educational program working with Coaches, Consultants, and Corporate Trainers.

Nicky is the host of the podcast The Thought Leader Revolution where he has interviewed over 200 of the world’s top thought leaders. Here is my interview with Nicky Billou.

E77 Final Thoughts-

I hope you enjoyed our conversation with Nicky as much as I did. As we were finishing our call, Nicky wanted me to pass along an offer for you. Anyone who wants a free 45-minute coaching session with him, just go to www.eCircleAcademy.comand go book a success call. This is a really generous offer to all of you entrepreneurs out there to get some free insights from a man who knows how to guide thought leaders and others towards success.