E74: The Beginning or the End?

with Special Guest Champ Parinya


E74 Introduction-

Have you noticed something a bit odd about the Biden inauguration and his quote/unquote Presidency? Did you notice anything odd about the inauguration itself? I mean besides the massive military presence. Most of which are still there in DC  and will remain there until mid-March.

Why do you think this is?  Do you think it’s to protect Biden from the rabid mobs of Patriots, the way the MSM claims? Why are none of the Patriots getting upset by anything Biden is doing? Even as they were disappointed in the lack of fireworks on Jan 20th? Is it because they are resigned to four years of Biden/Harris or are they aware that Biden has no authority right now and thus, no ability to further harm the republic.

Here is part of a correspondence  I received from a military friend.a He asks (with a wink and a smile):

– Why was Biden denied a military plane to bring him to DC?

-Why was the typical song for the arrival of  POTUS not played for Biden during the inauguration?

-Why wasn’t Biden rendered a 21-gun salute as is customary for an incoming President?

-Why did the military turn their back on Biden when he drove by in his motorcade, rather than face and salute, which is a requirement for all service members?

-Why is the pentagon still blocking access for members of Biden’s administration?

He’s pointing to something. The military are not answering to the Biden administration. Are we, in fact, in  a de facto military rule?

I stand by everything I said in E72: The Storm is Upon Us. However, I don‘t sit in meetings with President Trump and General Flynn and Ezra Cohen-Watnick and others. I don’t know what events make most sense by what date. But we do know they are coming.

I’ve started to see something unfold in recent days. That if the arrests that the military is preparing for had been done on President Trump’s watch, half the country would have never accepted the arrests. They (and the Deep State controlled  MSM) would have called it the maneuvers of a fascist dictator and never accepted the evidence presented before them.

This is optics for the public. Trump is in Florida playing golf. Joe Biden is in control of the nation and the military, right? Are the troops in DC to protect Joe Biden and his Administration or to finish the job that has been in the works for years? Do you think the military will just hand over the nation to the CCP, the Great Reset,  and treasonous politicians, with ALL the evidence they have? Are you at all aware of the evidence? Will enough people awaken to alter the course of the Hero’s Journey? What does your gut tell you about this question?

Champ Parinya Bio-

My guest today is again Champ Parinya, the creator of the Great Awakening Map. We caught up with Champ to help us make sense of the unfolding current events (using the Great Awakening as a context). Here is my interview with Champ Parinya.

E74-Final Thoughts

The world is watching the United States right now and for good reasons. Enough people have heard the rumors. Will the U.S. fall to its enemies? Will we succumb to the Chinese Communist Party and The Great Reset? Will treasonous politicians and those that traffic in children and human suffering continue to breathe fresh air? Will enough people awaken to alter the course of the Hero’s Journey? My sense is that we won’t have to wait long.