Basecamp for Men E30: Free Play and Improvisation

November 19, 2019

E30: Free Play and Improvisation with Special Guest Stephen Nachmanovitch


E30 Introduction

I remember reading Stephen Nachmanovitch‘s book ‘Free Play’ when I was a young man. I was getting curious about new ideas and new ways of approaching my life. The idea that improvisation could be an important life skill seemed both radical and relevant to me. I love writers that take a road-less traveled and then share the fruits of their path with the rest of the tribe.

We tend to think that great improvisers are jazz musicians and improve comedy geniuses like Robin Williams. We don’t think of improvisation as a skill that we possess and can craft for better creativity and expression.

Here is a quote from my guest today.

     “We are all improvisers. The most common form being speech. Every conversation is a form of jazz. The activity of instantaneous creation is as ordinary to us as breathing.”

We tend to think that we can meticulously plan our lives and follow the plan to the “T” and that will make for an ideal life. Yet, let’s be honest. Isn’t there a large improvisational element to any well-lived life? Isn’t that what gives life it’s magic? This ability to surprise us and keep us creative and on our toes?

     “A creative life is risky business. To follow your own course, not patterned on parents, peers, or institutions, involves a delicate balance of sticking to your guns and remaining open to change.”

I am excited to introduce you to my guest today, author Stephen Nachmanovitch. I hope you enjoy this episode on improvisation and expression. 🙂

Thank you, listeners!
